Ausgewählte Publikationen
Oberladstätter D, Schlimp C, Zipperle J, Osuchowski MF, Voelckel W, Grottke O, Schöchl H (2021) Impact of Idarucizumab and Andexanet Alfa on DOAC Plasma Concentration and ClotPro ® Clotting Time: An Ex Vivo Spiking Study in A Cohort of Trauma Patients. J Clin Med. 2021 Aug 6;10(16):3476.
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Weichselbaum N, Oberladstätter D, Schlimp C, Zipperle J, Voelckel W, Grottke O, Zimmermann G, Osuchowski MF, Schöckl H (2021) High Interleukin-6 Plasma Concentration upon Admission Is Predictive of Massive Transfusion in Severely Injured Patients. J Clin Med. 2021 May 24;10(11):2268.
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