LBI Trauma at the Vienna Research Festival 2022
Research, discover, get a taste of the future – under this slogan, the Vienna Research Festival took place from 9 to 11 September. This year, LBI Trauma was present with its own station.
Over 10.000 visitors were part of the event in the Vienna City Hall: Numerous companies, universities and research institutions from the capital presented their research at more than 30 hands-on stations and made the future of science and technology tangible.
Our mission is to provide trauma patients with the best possible care – a topic that could hardly be more relevant in everyday life. Accordingly, we showed our visitors in a playful way what top-notch trauma care looks like in practice.
The station of the LBI Trauma enjoyed great popularity. Countless visitors discovered cells and serum in our blood aquarium, learned to identify bones (often with mum and dad functioning as a reference) and repair femurs, and discovered how our joints work. It was not unusual for our guests to have to wait a little in the general rush before they could take a look through the microscope, which gave them an understanding of the field of tissue regeneration. There was also ample room for discussion: about future job perspectives, personal experiences with trauma care and a special guessing game featuring titanium screws and our staff members. (We are not telling here. Visit us at the next science event to learn the answer.)