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18 Mar 2022 by connyschneider

Open positions for Ukrainian Scientists

Scientists directly affected by the war in Ukraine can now be included in ongoing FWF research projects throughout Austria. The FWF is providing one million euros for this crisis support. Positions for up to 12 months, 2 researchers per project, can be applied for. Please contact the principal investigator for more information:

Mitochondria mediated excitotoxicity in brain injury (Andrey Kozlov)
Eliminating senescent cells by senolytics for improving bone regeneration (Johannes Grillari)
Vascularized human skin equivalents as 3D organoid models in skin biology and wound healing (Mikolaj Ogrodnik via SHoW)
Influence of anaesthesia on compartment syndrome (Johannes Zipperle)
Treating chronic sepsis (Marcin Osuchowski)

Please also check the FWF’s announcement page.