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12 Jun 2024 by khirtenlehner

LBI Trauma at the Long Night of Research 2024

On 24 May, the LBI Trauma took part in the Long Night of Research at three locations, attracting visitors from all over Austria. The event, which takes place every two years at over 250 locations across the country, makes science and research accessible in an interactive way.

With over 10,000 visitors at MedUni Vienna’s Medical Research Mile alone, the event was a complete success – and LBI Trauma was right in the middle of it all. At three locations, two in the Medical Research Mile and one at BOKU, our research attracted people of all ages. The stimulating questions from visitors provided plenty of food for thought and showed once again that science communication goes both ways.

As always, special highlights at the LBI Trauma stand were the hands-on activities such as bone screwing and microscopy. There was also a lot of enquiry about the venom of the chain viper and its use in emergency medicine. Medical experience reports (from both sides of the ward table) were of course not neglected. A new highlight came from the artistic side. “Help our cells to multiply” was the appeal. Using acrylic pens, the visitors helped with cell proliferation by transforming white stones into colourful cells. Francesco Moscato, our colleague from the Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, kicked things off. Our old friend Christina Schuh from Chile was a surprise guest and also busy in cell culture.

We would like to thank MedUni Vienna and BOKU for their great hospitality and our dedicated team. We are already looking forward to many encounters and inspiring conversations at the next Long Night of Research.

Further impressions of the event and our otherwise very colourful everyday research life can be found on our Instagram page.

a. There was plenty for young and old to discover at the LBI Trauma stations. (c) Meduni Vienna