Molecular Biology

In molecular biology, the structure, synthesis and role of DNA and RNA are examined. Research is done on gene expression and gene regulation as well as the role of proteins in the cell and their interaction with DNA. The aim is to better understand these various mechanisms on a molecular level.

The group of Ara Hacobian examines primarily concepts of gene therapy. Emphasis is thereby put on increasing the efficacy of non-viral gene therapy and their application for therapeutical usage. Strategies are developed and improved for targeted gene knockdown and enhancement, the establishment of reporter systems as well as increasing the transfection efficiency. Technical methods that are used are:

  • Design of therapeutic and reporter plasmids
  • Subcloning, amplification and purification of genes/plasmids (PCR, ligation, selection)
  • Cell culture and cell differentiation assays
  • Enzymatic detection methods/ELISA
  • Protein expression and analysis
  • (Quantitative) Real time PCR analysis
  • In vitro/in vivo gene therapy
  • Neuronoal grafts
  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

Areas of application are diverse, as they range from bone regeneration over wound healing to nerve regeneration. In cooperation with other research groups in the institute, different applied in vivo projects can be implemented. This allows for testing the systems that are developed for therapy.

Selected Publications

Hacobian A, Hercher D. Pushing the Right Buttons: Improving Efficacy of Therapeutic DNA Vectors. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2018 Jun;24(3):226-239.

Khan A, Dellago H, Terlecki-Zaniewicz L, Karbiener M, Weilner S, Hildner F, Steininger V, Gabriel C, Mück C, Jansen-Dürr P, Hacobian A, Scheideler M, Grillari-Voglauer R, Schosserer M & Grillari J (2017). SNEVhPrp19/hPso4 Regulates Adipogenesis of Human Adipose Stromal Cells. Stem Cell Reports, 8(1):21-29.
(free PDF)

Öztürk-Kaloglu D, Hercher D, Heher P, Posa-Markaryan K, Sperger S, Zimmermann A, Wolbank S, Redl H & Hacobian A (2017). A Noninvasive In Vitro Monitoring System Reporting Skeletal Muscle Differentiation. Tissue Eng Part C Methods, 23(1):1-11.

Oberbauer E, Steffenhagen C, Feichtinger G, Hildner F, Hacobian A, Danzer M, Gabriel C, Redl H & Wolbank S (2016). A Luciferase-Based Quick Potency Assay to Predict Chondrogenic Differentiation. Tissue Eng Part C Methods, 22(5):487-495.

Hacobian AR, Posa-Markaryan K, Sperger S, Stainer M, Hercher D, Feichtinger GA, Schuh CM & Redl H (2016). Improved osteogenic vector for non-viral gene therapy. Eur Cell Mater, 31:191-204.

Banerjee A, Nürnberger S, Hennerbichler S, Riedl S, Schuh CM, Hacobian A, Teuschl A, Eibl J, Redl H, & Wolbank S. (2014). In toto differentiation of humanic amniotic membrane towards the Schwann cell lineage. Cell Tissue Bank, 15(2):227-239.

Feichtinger GA, Hacobian A, Hofmann AT, Wassermann K, Zimmermann A, van Griensven M, & Redl H. (2014). Constitutive and inducible co-expression systems for non-viral osteoinductive gene therapy. Eur Cell Mater, 27:166-184.