

Bioreactors in tissue regeneration are used to cultivate cells under optimized conditions in a closed environment. The conditions of culture can be influenced and controlled for example by nutrition supply, oxygen concentration, temperature or pH level.

The group simulates natural mechanical stimulations as well as the right supply of nutrients and the spatial environment in 3D cell culture systems. The following technical methods are used:

  • qPCR
  • Western Blot
  • Histology
  • DNA-Quantification
  • Mechanical tests of the constructs

Together with the FH Technikum Wien, the group works on developing new bioreactors and their application in research projects. In a joint project, they developed an in vitro system that allows mechanical stimulation of myoblasts, the progenitor cells of skeletal muscle fibres. These are embedded in a ring shaped fibrin scaffold and are exposed to cyclic or static strain. Through that, differentiation, myogenesis as well as the physiology of muscles and muscular diseases can be studied. The aim is to supply patients with high quality transplants of fully functional muscle tissue that can be used for therapeutic application as well as develop muscle-like constructs to test different substances.

Selected Publications

Rieder B, Weihs AM, Weidinger A, Szwarc D, Nürnberger S, Redl H, Rünzler D, Huber-Gries C, Teuschl AH (2018) Hydrostatic pressure-generated reactive oxygen species induce osteoarthritic conditions in cartilage pellet cultures. Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 19;8(1):17010.
(free PDF)

Heher P, Maleiner B, Prüller J, Teuschl AH, Kollmitzer J, Monforte X, Wolbank S, Redl H, Rünzler D, Fuchs C (2015). A novel bioreactor for the generation of highly aligned 3D skeletal muscle-like constructs through orientation of fibrin via application of static strain. Acta Biomater. Sep; 24:251-65.
(author’s manuscript)