Wolfgang Holnthoner
Als ausgebildeter Endothelzellbiologe interessiere ich mich für die grundlegenden Funktionen dieser Zellen bei der Vaskulogenese, Angiogenese und Lymphangiogenese. Das Hauptaugenmerk meiner Gruppe liegt auf der Regeneration/Entwicklung von mikrovaskulären Strukturen. Zu diesem Zweck kultivieren wir primäre Endothelzellen zusammen mit unterstützenden Zelltypen, um eine funktionelle Sauerstoff- und Nährstoffversorgung von Geweben zu erreichen. Wir verwenden das physiologische und biokompatible Scaffold Fibrin, um den Zellen die notwendige 3D-Umgebung für die Mikrovaskularisierung zu bieten. Darüber hinaus befassen wir uns mit der Integration von Lymphgefäßen, da diese die interstitielle Flüssigkeit in den Geweben zurück in den Blutkreislauf transportieren und ohne sie menschliches Leben nicht denkbar wäre. Außerdem streben wir danach, die Rolle der extrazellulären Vesikel (EV) bei der interzellulären Kommunikation zu erforschen. Diese Bemühungen tragen zur Entwicklung von Therapien bei, die auf die Regeneration von erkranktem Gewebe abzielen.
Des Weiteren bin ich akkreditierter Supervisor im PhD-Programm „Vascular Biology“ an der Medizinischen Universität Wien (MUW).
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Mühleder S, Fuchs C, Basílio J, Szwarc D, Pill K, Labuda K, Slezak P, Siehs C, Pröll J, Priglinger E, Hoffmann C, Junger WG, Redl H, Holnthoner W. Purinergic P2Y2 receptors modulate endothelial sprouting. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020 Mar;77(5):885-901.
Banfi A, Holnthoner W, Martino MM, Ylä-Herttuala S. Editorial: Vascularization for Regenerative Medicine. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2018 Nov 21;6:175.
Pill K, Melke J, Muehleder S, Pultar M, Rohringer S, Priglinger E, Redl H, Hofmann Boss S, Holnthoner W. Microvascular networks established by endothelial cells and mesenchymal stromal cells from adipose tissue and bone marrow: a comparison. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2018. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00156
Mandt D, Gruber P, Markovic M, Tromayer M, Rothbauer M, Kratz SRA, Ali F, van Hoorick J, Holnthoner W, Mühleder S, Dubruel P, van Vlierberghe S, Ertl P, Liska R, Ovsianikov A. Fabrication of placental barrier structures within a microfluidic device utilizing two-photon polymerization. Int J Bioprint 2018, 4(2)
Zirath H, Rothbauer M, Spitz S, Bachmann B, Jordan C, Müller B, Ehgartner J, Priglinger E, Muehleder S, Redl H, Holnthoner W, Harasek M, Mayr T, Ertl P. Every breath you take: Non-invasive real-time oxygen biosensing in two- and three-dimensional microfluidic cell models . Front Physiol 2018. 2018 Jul 3;9:815
Bachmann B, Spitz S, Rothbauer M, Jordan C, Purtscher M, Zirath H, Schuller P, Eilenberger C, Ali SF, Mühleder S, Priglinger E, Harasek M, Redl H, Holnthoner W, Ertl P. Engineering of three-dimensional pre-vascular networks within fibrin hydrogel constructs by microfluidic control over reciprocal cell signaling. Biomicrofluidics. 2018 Jun 20;12(4):042216
Mühleder S, Pill K, Schaupper M, Labuda K, Priglinger E, Hofbauer P, Charwart V, Marx U,Redl H, Holnthoner W. The role of fibrinolysis inhibition in engineered vascular networks derived from endothelial cells and adipose-derived stem cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018; 9:35
Rohringer S, Holnthoner W, Chaudary S, Slezak P, Priglinger E, Strassl M, Pill K, Mühleder S, Redl H, Dungel P. The impact of wavelengths of LED light-therapy on endothelial cells. Sci Rep. 2017; 7:10700
Priglinger E, Schuh CMAP, Steffenhagen C, Wurzer C, Maier J, Nuernberger S, Holnthoner W, Fuchs C, Suessner S, Rünzler D, Redl H, Wolbank S. Improvement of adipose tissue-derived cells by low-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Cytotherapy. 2017; 19(9):1079-1095
Holnthoner W, Bonstingl C, Hromada C, Muehleder S, Zipperle J, Stojkovic S, Redl H, Wojta J, Schoechl H, Grillari J, Weilner S, Schlimp C. (2017). Endothelial Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicles Size-dependently Exert Procoagulant Activity Detected by Thromboelastometry. Sci Rep. 2017 ;7(1):3707
Hromada C, Muehleder S, Grillari J, Redl H, Holnthoner W. (2017). Endothelial Extracellular Vesicles – Promises and Challenges. Front Physiol. 2017 May 5;8:275
Knezevic L, Schaupper M, Mühleder S, Schimek K, Hasenberg T, Marx U, Priglinger E, Redl H, Holnthoner W. (2017). Engineering Blood and Lymphatic Microvascular Networks in Fibrin Matrices. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 5:25.
Schaupper MV, Jeltsch M, Rohringer S, Redl H, Holnthoner W. Lymphatic vessels in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2016 May 3. [Epub ahead of print]
Stojkovic S, Kaun C, Basilio J, Rauscher S, Hell L, Krychtiuk KA, Bonstingl C, de Martin R, Gröger M, Ay C, Holnthoner W, Eppel W, Neumayer C, Huk I, Huber K, Demyanets S, Wojta J. Tissue factor is induced by interleukin-33 in human endothelial cells: a new link between coagulation and inflammation. Sci Rep. 2016 May 4; 6:25171. doi: 10.1038/srep25171
Schneider K, Aigner P, Monforte X, Nuernberger S, Holnthoner W, Ruenzler D, Redl H, Teuschl AH. Decellularized human placenta chorion matrix as a favorable source of small diameter vascular grafts. Acta Biomaterialia 2016; 29; 125-34
Vascularization mediated by mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue: a comparison. Pill K, Hofmann S, Redl H, Holnthoner W. Cell Regen (Lond) 2015 Oct 23;4:8
Hasenberg T, Muehleder S, Dotzler A, Bauer S, Labuda K, Holnthoner W, Redl H, Lauster R, Marx U. Emulating Human Microcapillaries in a Multi-Organ-Chip Platform. J Biotechnol. 2015 Oct 3;216:1-10
Schweighofer B, Rohringer S, Proell J, Holnthoner W. A microarray analysis of two distinct lymphatic endothelial cell populations. Genomics Data. 2015, Vol 4, 115-118
Charwat V, Schütze K, Holnthoner W, Lavrentieva A, Gangnus R, Hofbauer P, Hoffmann C, Angres B, Kasper C. Potential and limitations of microscopy and Raman spectroscopy for live-cell analysis of 3D cell cultures. J Biotechnol. 2015 Jul 10;205:70-81
Rohringer S, Holnthoner W*, Hackl M, Weihs AM , Rünzler D, Skalicky S, Krebiener M, Scheideler M, Pröll J, Gabriel C, Schweighofer B, Gröger M, Spittler A, Grillari J, Redl H. Molecular and cellular effects of in vitro shockwave treatment on lymphatic endothelial cells. PLOS ONE 2014 Dec 11;9(12):e114806. *equally contributed first authorship
Muehleder S, Ovsianikov A, Zipperle J, Redl H, Holnthoner W. Connections matter: channeled hydrogels to improve vascularization. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2014 Nov 14;2:52
Rohringer S, Hofbauer P, Schneider K, Husa AM, Feichtinger G, Peterbauer-Scherb A, Redl H, Holnthoner W. Molecular mechanisms of vasculogenesis in 3D fibrin matrices mediated by the interaction of adipose-derived stem cells and endothelial cells. Angiogenesis. 2014 Oct;17(4):921-33
Hofbauer P, Riedl S, Witzeneder K, Hildner F, Wolbank S, Groeger M, Gabriel C, Redl H, Holnthoner W. Human platelet lysate is a feasible candidate to replace fetal calf serum as medium supplement for blood vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells. Cytotherapy. 2014 Sep;16(9):1238-44
Vollert I, Seiffert M, Bachmair J, Sander M, Eder A, Conradi L, Vogelsang A, Schulze T, Uebeler J, Holnthoner W, Redl H, Reichenspurner H, Hansen A, Eschenhagen T. In-vitro perfusion of engineered heart tissue through endothelialized channels. Tissue Eng Part A. 2014 Feb 20(3-4):854-63
Ovsianikov A, Muehleder S, Torgersen J, Li Z, Qin X, Van Vlierberghe S, Dubruel P, Holnthoner W, Redl H, Liska R, Stampfl J. Laser fabrication of cell-containing hydrogel constructs. Langmuir 2013, 30 (13), 3787-3794
Qin X, Torgersen J, Saf R, Muehleder S, Pucher N, Holnthoner W, Redl H, Ovsianikov A, Stampfl J, Liska R. 3D microfabrication of protein hydrogels via two-photon-excited thiol-vinyl ester photopolymerization. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2013, 51 (22), 4799-4810
Hager G, Holnthoner W*, Wolbank S, Husa AM, Godthardt K, Redl H, Gabriel C. Three specific antigens to isolate endothelial progenitor cells from human liposuction material. Cytotherapy, 2013; 15: 1426-1435. *corresponding author
Li Z, Torgersen J, Ajami A, Mühleder S, Qin X, Husinsky W, Holnthoner W, Ovsianikov A, Stampfl J, Liska R. Initiation Efficiency and Cytotoxicity of Novel Water-soluble Two-photon Photoinitiators for Direct 3D Microfabrication of Hydrogels. RSC Advances 3 (36), 15939-15946.
Zipperle J, Schlimp CJ, Holnthoner W, Husa AM, Nürnberger S, Redl H, Schöchl H. A novel coagulation assay incorporating adherent endothelial cells in thromboelastometry. Thromb Haemost. 2013 May 2;109(5):869-77
Holnthoner W, Hohenegger K, Husa AM, Muehleder S, Meinl A, Peterbauer-Scherb A, Redl H. Adipose-derived stem cells induce vascular tube formation of outgrowth endothelial cells in a fibrin matrix. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2012 Oct 5. doi: 10.1002/term.1620
Tvorogov D, Anisimov A, Zheng W, Leppänen VM, Tammela T, Laurinavicius S, Holnthoner W, Heloterä H, Holopainen T, Jeltsch M, Kalkkinen N, Lankinen H, Ojala PM, Alitalo K. Effective Suppression of Vascular Network Formation by Combination of Antibodies Blocking VEGFR Ligand Binding and Receptor Dimerization. Cancer Cell. 2010 Dec 14; 18: 630-40
Ghalamkarpour A*, Holnthoner W*, Saharinen P, Boon LM, Mulliken JB, Alitalo K, Vikkula M. Recessive primary congenital lymphoedema caused by a VEGFR3 mutation J Med Genet. 2009 Jun; 46(6):399-404; *equally contributed first authorship
Verstraeten VL*, Holnthoner W*, van Steensel MA, Veraart JC, Bladergroen RS, Heckman CA, Keskitalo S, Frank J, Alitalo K, van Geel M, Steijlen PM. Functional analysis of FLT4 mutations associated with Nonne-Milroy lymphedema. J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Feb; 129(2):509-12; *equally contributed first authorship
Petrova TV*, Bono P*, Holnthoner W*, Sihto H, P Laakkonen P, Heikkilä P, Joensuu H, Alitalo K. VEGFR-3 expression is restricted to blood and lymphatic vessels in solid tumors. Cancer Cell. 2008 Jun; 13(6):554-6; *equally contributed first authorship
Holnthoner W, Kerenyi M, Groger M, Kratochvill F, Petzelbauer P. Regulation of matrilysin expression in endothelium by fibroblast growth factor-2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Apr 14; 342(3):725-33
Groger M, Loewe R, Holnthoner W, Embacher R, Pillinger M, Herron GS, Wolff K, Petzelbauer P. IL-3 induces expression of lymphatic markers Prox-1 and podoplanin in human endothelial cells. J Immunol. 2004 Dec 15; 173(12):7161-9
Holnthoner W, Pillinger M, Groger M, Wolff K, Ashton AW, Albanese C, Neumeister P, Pestell RG, Petzelbauer P. Fibroblast growth factor-2 induces Lef/Tcf-dependent transcription in human endothelial cells. J Biol Chem 2002 Nov 29; 277(48):45847-53
Loewe R, Holnthoner W, Groger M, Pillinger M, Gruber F, Mechtcheriakova D, Hofer E, Wolff K, Petzelbauer P. Dimethylfumarate inhibits TNF-induced nuclear entry of NF-kappa B/p65 in human endothelial cells. J Immunol 2002 May 1; 168(9):4781-7
Loewe R, Pillinger M, de Martin R, Mrowietz U, Groger M, Holnthoner W, Wolff K, Wiegrebe W, Jirovsky D, Petzelbauer P. Dimethylfumarate inhibits tumor-necrosis-factor-induced CD62E expression in an NF-kappa B-dependent manner. J Invest Dermatol 2001 Dec; 117(6):1363-8
Schuchner S, Nemethova M, Belisova A, Klucky B, Holnthoner W, Wintersberger E. Transactivation of murine cyclin A by polyomavirus large and small T antigens. J Virol 2001 Jul; 75(14):6498-507
Halama T, Groger M, Pillinger M, Staffler G, Prager E, Stockinger H, Holnthoner W, Lechleitner S, Wolff K, Petzelbauer P. Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 and vascular endothelial cadherin cooperatively regulate fibroblast growth factor-induced modulations of adherens junction functions. J Invest Dermatol 2001 Jan; 116(1):110-7
Groger M, Holnthoner W, Maurer D, Lechleitner S, Wolff K, Mayr BB, Lubitz W, Petzelbauer P. Dermal microvascular endothelial cells express the 180-kDa macrophage mannose receptor in situ and in vitro. J Immunol 2000 Nov 15; 165(10):5428-34
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Schneider J, Pultar M, Oesterreicher J, Bobbili MR, Mühleder S, Priglinger E, Redl H, Spittler A, Grillari J, Holnthoner W (2021) Cre mRNA Is Not Transferred by EVs from Endothelial and Adipose-Derived Stromal/Stem Cells during Vascular Network Formation. Int J Mol Sci 2021 Apr 14;22(8):4050.
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Oesterreicher J, Pultar M, Schneider J, Mühleder S, Zipperle J, Grillari J, Holnthoner W (2021). Fluorescence-Based Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis and Flow Cytometry for Characterization of Endothelial Extracellular Vesicle Release. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Dec 4;21(23):9278.
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