Wolfgang Holnthoner in Pinkafelder Stadtgespräch
Artificially created organs – a topic that captivates the audiences. At the Portschy inn in Pinkafeld, Wolfgang Holnthoner, head of the Vascular Biology group at LBI Trauma, presented news from research on artificial organs upon the invitation of the NEOS local group in Pinkafeld.
The event drew quite a crowd into the pub – 50 people listened to the explanations of the molecular biologist, who grew up in Pinkafeld, and participated in subsequent discussions. “It was a very informative evening for all of us and I would like to thank Wolfgang Holnthoner again for his understandable explanations in an exciting field of research,” said the moderator of the event, the technical physicist Christian Krutzler from the Pinkafeld NEOS team.
“At the moment, we cannot yet look forward to artificially produced livers or lungs.”, explains Wolfgang Holnthoner, “However, research on this topic is being carried out worldwide so that such ‘dreams’ can become reality in the future.” His Vascular Biology group investigates the basic functions of endothelial cells with regard to the formation and growth of blood and lymphatic vessels.